Gappy, Plati, Moli মাছ ছাড়ার জন্য পানি প্রস্তুতকরণ পদ্ধতি. Water Prepara...

Gappy, Plati, Moli মাছ ছাড়ার জন্য পানি প্রস্তুতকরণ পদ্ধতি. Water Prepara...

Phone Galaxy Note 8 Vs Samsung Galaxy S9+ With Price

Phone Galaxy Note 8 Vs Samsung Galaxy S9+ With Price

A half year subsequent to discharging its super-controlled phablet — the Note 8 — Samsung is propelling its lead telephone pair for 2018 — the Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+. With such a short separation of time between the two discharges, it's just common that the telephones don't have a tremendous hole between them regarding plan and equipment.

Both the Galaxy S9+ and the Galaxy Note 8 are enormous, sparkling and lovely to take a gander at, and pack the greater part of Samsung's most recent fancy odds and ends, similar to the iris scanner, double camera, unique finger impression cushion, remote charging, and whatnot. One can genuinely be befuddled when attempting to choose those two. In this way, how about we investigate, see where they vary, and ideally enable you to settle on the decision that best suits you!

In the looks office, the two telephones are greatly comparable. We have glass-and-metal sandwiches with adjusted edges and consistent advances — both the Galaxy S9+ and Galaxy Note 8 are genuine diamonds of present day innovation. Also, they unquestionably look a considerable measure alike, keeping up Samsung's effortlessly conspicuous outline DNA.

Yet, this isn't to imply that that they don't have their disparities and eccentricities. For one, the Note 8 is a somewhat taller telephone since it has a possibly greater show — 6.3" versus the Galaxy S9+'s 6.2" — and a marginally thicker base bezel. Also, with regards to unique mark situating, the Galaxy Note 8 has a year ago's arrangement of the cushion — clumsily to the side of the camera — while the Galaxy S9+ has it moved to a considerably more advantageous spot, at its back beneath the camera.

As it were, it's protected to state that the Galaxy S9+ is somewhat more agreeable to hold and work because of its littler size and more helpful finger cushion arrangement. Not by a gigantic edge, beyond any doubt, but rather it could have any kind of effect in different every day situations.

As far as additional items, the two telephones have IP 68 rating for water-and clean protection and both shake a 3.5 mm earphone jack — in spite of the fact that regardless it feels abnormal to state this is an extraordinary element. Credit to Samsung for staying with it! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Moto G5S Plus Review with price

Moto G5S Plus Review with price

Not every person needs, needs, or can manage the cost of a lead class cell phone, so we're thankful to have a market with no lack of mid-extend telephone alternatives. In any case, while those financial plan estimated contributions from a few makers feel like ideas in retrospect, other telephone creators have earned merited notorieties for putting our genuine quality low-evaluated handsets that make them return for additional, after quite a long time.

That is particularly the case with Motorola, and keeping in mind that the brand tries different things with measured equipment for its leads, the reasonable Moto G line has spoken to a more available option since its first emphasis appeared in 2013.

Today we're looking at one of the most recent passages to this all around regarded arrangement, the Moto G5S Plus. With double cameras and a metal body, does this telephone figure out how to at present feel really premium in spite of a wallet-accommodating sticker price? We should investigate.

In the case:

Moto G5S Plus

USB standard-A to smaller scale USB link

Divider charger

SIM instrument

Read-me booklet

Wellbeing guide

There are few cell phone brands nailing steady plan dialect like Motorola, and with that huge camera hover around the back, roosted on the organization's notorious "batwing" logo, it's anything but difficult to perceive a Moto telephone at only a look.

The Moto G5S Plus fits directly into this tasteful. The handset has a metal development, with its back and sides flaunting a portion of that great looking aluminum, hindered by a couple of radio wire lines best and base. The back is commanded by that noticeable camera circle lodging the telephone's double 13MP sensors.

On the correct side we discover the volume rocker and finished power catch, while the main component on the left edge is the blend SIM/Micro SD space. Up top, a simple earphone jack attempts to present the defense for its proceeded with presence, while down beneath we have the speaker grille, a mic gap, and the telephone's USB port. Fairly awkwardly, that is a small scale USB association, and keeping in mind that we have a terrible inclination such ports will keep on living on in the low-and mid-extend space for an age or two to come, the spread of USB Type-C can't occur soon enough.

Huawei Mate 10 Lite Review with price

Huawei Mate 10 Lite Review with price

The Huawei Mate 10 Lite is a mid-extend telephone sold over the globe (however not in the United States) as the more reasonable kin to the top of the line Mate 10 arrangement.

The telephone includes a 2:1 screen – one that is taller than conventional 16:9 screens we used to see on practically every new telephone until about a year ago. It is worked of strong metal and it keeps running without anyone else Emotion UI interface over Android 7.0 Nougat. The Mate 10 Lite additionally has a double camera framework on both the front and the back, with a 2-megapixel auxiliary camera on the two sides that permits shooting photographs with an obscured foundation – an impact that takes after the look you get with a committed DSLR camera.

We spent a couple of days utilizing the Mate 10 Lite to discover how great of a telephone it truly is. Read on for our involvement with Huawei's new mid-officer.

The main thing to see about the Huawei Mate 10 Lite is that it truly does not feel as large as you would expect a 5.9-inch telephone to be. Truth be told, its physical size is about the same as that of the OnePlus 5 – a telephone with a 5.5-inch screen, yet with a customary 16:9 angle proportion. Huawei accomplished this by putting a taller, 2:1 show on the Mate 10 Lite (more on it later). This is still not a telephone that you can helpfully work with one hand, obviously, however it is sensibly enormous.

The Mate 10 Lite is worked of aluminum and feels solid, generous, and made to last. It is marginally bended around its sides, especially like an iPhone 6/7/8, and its back is level. The physical volume and power catches are all on the privilege and feel decent and clicky.


On the back you have a unique mark scanner. It opens the telephone with only a tap even from remain by, as it should, and it is stunningly quick. (Fascinating reality: Huawei was the pioneer of this one-tap unique mark sign in highlight.)

Appropriate over the unique mark peruser you have the double principle camera framework. Its position is a bit excessively near the finger sensor, and you may frequently hit the lower camera, coincidentally smirching it when attempting to open the telephone. It's not a major ordeal, but rather it is one little detail that does not feel totally right. The double camera framework itself stands out a considerable amount, yet it is impeccably focused, and you can lay the telephone on its back without it squirming.

Tragically, there is no water-sealing on the Mate 10 Lite, so be mindful so as not to get it wet.

On the base there is a solitary speaker (more on sound quality later), an earphone jack (fortunately), and a… microUSB port for charging. Truly, we are as baffled as you most likely are perusing about a microUSB port in 2018, and we wish Huawei did not shoddy over here. USB-C should be a piece of all telephones in 2018, aside from possibly the extremely least expensive ones.
Sony Xperia XA2 and Xperia XA2 Ultra Review with bd price

Sony Xperia XA2 and Xperia XA2 Ultra Review with bd price

Taking a gander at deals, Sony hasn't been hugely effective in the cell phone business, yet it's one of only a handful couple of real players to stay reliable with its gadgets, and this needs to mean something. The Xperia XA2 and XA2 Ultra are two of the most recent balanced, mid-go telephones that Sony has close behind for the US showcase. Both accompany the guarantees of long battery life and breathtaking camera execution, and no less critically, they're among the primary Xperia handsets to have utilitarian unique mark scanners on board – a component that has been absent from US-bound Sony telephones up to this point. In any case, are the Xperia XA2 and XA2 Ultra deserving at least some respect? There's just a single method to discover!

On the off chance that I need to portray the Xperia XA2 and XA2 Ultra with a solitary word in the wake of having played with both for seven days, "strong" is unquestionably the term I'd utilize. Looking as smooth as most going before Sony gadgets, the two freshest mid-run handsets in the organization's lineup feel durable and manly. The two telephones have a charming haul to them, in spite of the fact that the 6-inch XA2 Ultra is unquestionably pushing limits with its extensive measurements. Not exclusively is the gadget somewhat hard to deal with even with my extensive hands, it's likewise fairly overwhelming at 7.80 oz. (221 grams). One thing is without a doubt: you'll generally know whether it's in your pocket. I wouldn't call it awkward, however the XA2 Ultra certainly required some getting used to.

Then, the XA2 is a whole lot less demanding to deal with and work – even with a solitary hand – and I incomprehensibly favored it over the Ultra hence alone.

With regards to general form, Sony has wagered on the attempted and-demonstrated combo of glass and aluminum, however the back of the handsets is made of plastic. Mind you, it's astounding plastic that feels decent to the touch and keeps smircesh under control, however it's as yet plastic in any case, and this damages the general premium emanation of the gadgets. The utilization of metal is just restricted to the best and base bits of the telephones' edge.

On the upside, indicates are granted for the nearness of a USB Type-C port, a 3.5mm sound jack, and a microSD card space. In any case, then again, the absence of any water-or clean protection is certainly a con in my book. Stereo speakers are likewise missing: not at all like more premium Sony gadgets, both the XA2 and the XA2 Ultra have made due with single descending terminating ones.
Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ vs Apple iPhone X bd price

Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ vs Apple iPhone X bd price

Samsung's Galaxy S9 and S9+ against Apple's iPhone X: that is an exemplary competition among the best in the field – like Lakers versus Celtics, Mercedes versus BMW, CIA versus KGB (oh no, not that one) – and there is no compelling reason to reveal to you whatever else to provoke your advantage.

Each of the three telephones are created out of premium fortified glass, with metal casings around them, leaving a strong, tasteful feeling in the hand. They are likewise water-safe and host able stereo speakers in spite of their IP68 confirmation.

The Galaxy S9 and S9+ may appear to be like their ancestors, however are made with harder, more scratch-safe 7000-arrangement aluminum combination around the sides and 20% thicker glass, making them more solid. Apple counters with a stainless steel outline – a more grounded yet heavier material – and what it calls "the most sturdy cell phone glass ever."

While glass is important to permit remote charging to go through without getting these telephones worked up, it implies that they are additionally much more delicate than metal telephones. "Most sturdy" or "20% thicker" cases aside, glass backs do split, and on the off chance that you don't put a case on Samsung's or Apple's finest, prep for costly repairs, no special cases.

The catches around the telephones are material and simple to feel and press. Samsung upgraded the keys on the Galaxy S9 and S9+ a bit, putting them higher and making them thicker, to encourage one-gave exercises with the telephones. While it's genuinely simple to hold and work the 5.8" S9 and iPhone X with one hand, the S9+ introduces more difficulties, because of its bigger screen inclining. Bummer, as that is the one with the double camera set that offers fax zoom, much the same as the X.

Apple and Samsung each moved toward the moving time of telephones with least bezels in their own particular manner. Since there's no room on the front for one, the iPhone X shuns the finger peruser for Face ID biometry, and housed it into a best bezel projection, affectionately called "the score" by fans and adversaries alike.

Samsung keeps the best bezel continuous, yet shaves it off as much as it can. Same for the last one. Both the iPhone and the Galaxies got their unmistakable personalities each in their own particular manner – Samsung with the Infinity Display bended plan, Apple with the score, and you can instantly tell the brand just by taking a gander at the telephones – mission achieved.
Samsung Galaxy S9+ vs LG V30 with BD Price

Samsung Galaxy S9+ vs LG V30 with BD Price

A look at the Samsung Galaxy S9+ by the LG V30 wouldn't be sufficient to pick a top choice. It's simply that both have such a great amount in like manner: immersive OLED shows, double cameras, glass-on-metal development, and the rundown goes on. Be that as it may, while these two Android telephones are comparable, they're a long way from indistinguishable. Give us a chance to walk you through the elements separating them.

Glass and metal are the fanciest materials you'll discover on a standard cell phone at the present time. They're utilized on both the Galaxy S9+ and the LG V30, which brings about the without a doubt premium look and feel of the two gadgets. Their glass backs gleam wonderfully in the light, while the inflexible metal casings hold everything firmly together. Both are likewise impervious to tidy and water entrance, as every excellent telephone ought to be these days. Simply make certain not to drop them. Glass is delicate, you know.

One outline contrast between the two telephones is that Samsung is putting forth the Galaxy S9+ in a more extensive scope of hues, including beautiful shades of blue and purple. In the US, the V30 must be had in dark or silver (envisioned here is the purple form that Korea got). The S9+ likewise accompanies a flawless – and interactive – home catch that is actually under the show itself, while the V30 depends on-screen virtual catches as it were.

Notwithstanding the negligible bezels around their screens, the Galaxy S9+ and LG V30 are still very substantial physically. They do fit pleasantly in the palm because of their thrilling edges and corners, and they do offer a lot of screen space for their physical size, yet in the event that you're searching for something reduced, you better look somewhere else.
Samsung Galaxy A8+ (2018) bd price and Review for Bangladesh

Samsung Galaxy A8+ (2018) bd price and Review for Bangladesh

The Galaxy A8+ 2018 is Samsung's most current upper mid-extend telephone. It has a major, 6-inch Super AMOLED screen that influences it to emerge from most different telephones in its class. It additionally looks fundamentally the same as the leader Galaxy S arrangement with a glass-and-metal plan and water protection, yet once you glimpse inside, you locate a mid-extend chip and an alternate camera.

How does this mix of premium looks and mid-run equipment work? We utilized the telephone for some time to discover, and you can discover our answers underneath.

In the crate:

Samsung Galaxy A8+ 2018 telephone

Client manual

Quick Adaptive Charge divider charger

USB-C to standard USB link

In-ear earphones (white, with 3.5mm jack)

SIM card ejector apparatus

The Galaxy A8+ 2018 looks fundamentally the same as the lead Galaxy S9/S8 arrangement from a remote place: with intelligent glass back, metal edge, comparable styling for the camera et cetera.

However, there are a couple of contrasts that you see upon nearer investigation: as a matter of first importance, the telephone does not have the exquisite bends of Samsung's leaders and feels greater and bulkier. It's as yet not a monster telephone considering that you have a 6-inch show, yet it isn't exactly as exquisite as a Galaxy S9 or S8.

Samsung Galaxy A8+ (2018) Review

The A8+ (2018) is water safe - Samsung Galaxy A8+ (2018) Review

The A8+ (2018) is water safe

The glass back of the telephone gets untidy with unique mark smircesh to a great degree effectively, so this is one contention for utilizing this telephone for a situation. It's additionally glass, and glass tends to break when your drop it, with the goal that's one greater contention.

On the left side, you have the volume keys, yet the Bixby catch is absent. You do have Samsung's Bixby voice associate on board, just not the committed physical catch for it. This isn't a colossal misfortune for us, as despite everything we don't discover Bixby very as valuable as the Google Assistant, yet at the same time important.

On the base, you have a USB-C port for charging and an earphone jack.

The A8+ additionally has an IP68 water protection rating, implying that it will survive a short make a plunge water and those late spring days by the pool. It's formally evaluated to withstand up to 30 minutes of submersion in new water as profound as 5 feet.
Sony Xperia XZ2 Compact Review for bd

Sony Xperia XZ2 Compact Review for bd

The Sony Xperia XZ2 Compact is the most up to date in a progression of Sony telephones made for the individuals who need a telephone of a relatively lost kind: a reduced and effectively pocketable one.

The XZ2 Compact is likewise the principal "Conservative" Sony with a 2:1 screen and the first with an almost bezel-less show, so from numerous points of view, this is Sony's best exertion in influencing the most to out of an officially little telephone.

Be that as it may, don't be tricked and think conservative means less capable: this scaled down telephone keeps running on the most recent and most intense Snapdragon 845 framework chip while additionally having the same 19MP camera with help for 4K HDR recordings as the leader XZ2.

Things being what they are, how can it feel to utilize such a little telephone in 2018? Also, are there any commendable choices? Remain with us to discover.

The Xperia XZ2 Compact is about size and solace, however how little and "smaller" is it when contrasted with different telephones?

The measurements of the telephone are in reality just somewhat littler than those of the iPhone 8/7/6 or the LG G6, and the XZ2 Compact is entirely greater than the minute iPhone SE.. In the meantime, the XZ2 Compact is an extremely rotund telephone, with a thickness of an incredible 0.48 inches (12.1mm), almost twice as thick as most other current telephones. Furthermore, it's shockingly substantial too at 5.93 ounces (168 grams).

So while the XZ2 Compact is plainly a smaller than expected telephone by the present principles, it's neither the littlest, nor the most conservative one out there by value of measurements, yet in addition by the additional impact of its rotund body and weight.

The Xperia XZ2 reduced by the iPhone 8 - Sony Xperia XZ2 Compact Review

The Xperia XZ2 reduced by the iPhone 8 - Sony Xperia XZ2 Compact Review

The Xperia XZ2 minimal beside the iPhone 8 - Sony Xperia XZ2 Compact Review

The Xperia XZ2 minimal beside the iPhone 8

As far as materials, the new minimized Sony highlights a solid metal casing, yet has a plastic back as opposed to a more premium glass or metal wrap up. The plastic has a matte complete and a translucent impact, and not at all like glass, it doesn't get smudgy with fingerprints all that effectively, also that you don't need to stress over it splitting. You likewise have a decision of four hues: you can get the XZ2 Compact in dark, white silver (we have this one for audit), greenery green and coral pink.

By and large, we discover the looks and development of the XZ2 Compact very amiable and down to earth, yet we feel that the body is much excessively plump and the telephone is a bit too overwhelming, which makes it more perceptible and less agreeable to convey in a pocket.

Regarding catches, you have them all on the correct side: the volume keys on the best, the power enter in the center. what's more, a devoted camera shade catch on the base. The power catch in the center is a touch of a bother: had Sony situated it somewhat higher, it is simpler to reach, however its present position is a bit too low. also, you need to overlap your thumb a bit to achieve it: not a dealbreaker, but rather as yet irritating. The camera shade catch is a two-way key: squeeze it marginally to center and press everything the best approach to make a go. Likewise, hold it for a moment and it will begin the camera whenever. You likewise have the double tap for the power catch that actuates the camera, so a camera screen catch feels somewhat repetitive, however it is there.

On the base is a USB-C port and… that's it. Nope, there's no 3.5mm earphone jack. This is irritating, particularly in light of the fact that Sony benefits not appear to have at all explanation behind evacuating it. The organization formally says it has expelled the jack in light of its new plan approach and in light of the fact that remote headphones are picking up fame, in spite of the fact that the last likely needs to complete a considerable measure with different organizations dropping the earphone jack. Not an extremely rousing clarification, is it? You don't get USB-C earphones in the container – that other organization that dropped the jack incorporates a couple of wired earphones, in examination – yet just a USB-C to 3.5mm connector.

On the back you have a solitary camera that sits flush with the back, and underneath it is a round unique mark scanner. When you get used to the somewhat bring down position of the unique mark scanner, it's not hard to go after it, but rather we saw that it is slower than other unique finger impression scanners, as it pauses for a minute or two to open the telephone.

At last, we should take note of that the XZ2 Compact is clean and water-safe with an IP68 rating, which implies the telephone is tried to withstand being submerged in up to 5 feet profound crisp water for whatever length of time that 30 minutes.
Smart watch prototype turns your arm into a touch full screen for man or woman.

Smart watch prototype turns your arm into a touch full screen for man or woman.

A model smartwatch called the LumiWatch has been made by specialists at Carnegie Mellon University. The timepiece has an element that enables it to extend pictures on the client's arm that can be swiped and tapped. At the end of the day, the LumiWatch transforms the client into a touchscreen. The watch can extend a picture of up to 40 square centimeters, five times the extent of a run of the mill smartwatch show. 

The analysts say that skin happens to be an appealing surface for anticipating such an intelligent show. In spite of some physical and shading contortions, the group dealing with the gadget says that skin offers high determination, framerate and picture quality. The best part about utilizing the arm is that it takes into consideration a significantly bigger surface territory than a watch show.

A 15-lumen projector is incorporated with the watch, which is fueled by a Snapdragon quad-center CPU running at a clock speed of 1.2GHz. There is 768MB of RAM inside, alongside 4GB of local stockpiling. Keeping the watch running is a 740mAh battery, and the LumiWatch bolsters both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Android 5.1 is pre-introduced.

The specialists at Carnegie Mellon University trust that they can get this smartwatch into the commercial center valued at $600. It measures 50mm x 41mm x 17mm contrasted with the 42.5mm x 36.4mm x 11.4mm measurements of an Apple Watch Series 3 timepiece.

There is no word on when we may see the LumiWatch on the racks of your most loved hardware retailer. Meanwhile, you can see the LumiWatch in real life by tapping on the video at the highest point of this story.
ZTE patent another smart phone with dual full notch display design ZTE System.

ZTE patent another smart phone with dual full notch display design ZTE System.

In spite of the fact that ZTE is by all accounts hit with limitations from all sides, the Chinese organization has no issues in protecting new items that may or won't not see the light of day.

The freshest patent ZTE documented at China's State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) uncovers an unordinary cell phone outline that highlights not one, but rather two scores – one at the best, and another at the base.

It's the second patent for a double indent cell phone that ZTE recorded in China, so the handset producer could be intense about this particular outline. Despite the fact that the score is a fairly dubious component, ZTE appears to be resolved to go indent the distance.

Regardless, it's important that the second patent presented by ZTE demonstrates a gadget that it's more much the same as the Essential Phone, hence including a little score on the best side and a somewhat bigger one at the base that obliges the home catch.

The underlying patent documented by the organization, otherwise called ZTE Iceberg, has two substantially bigger indents at the best and base. On the off chance that both of these gadgets is to be propelled available, they won't not be reported until one year from now.
Huawei P20 and P20 Pro Reviews for bd

Huawei P20 and P20 Pro Reviews for bd

Chinese organization Huawei has been on a streak in the previous couple of years by offering a great many telephones and rapidly developing to wind up the world's third-biggest telephone creator, behind Apple and Samsung.

The organization arranged a noisy US make a big appearance in mid 2018 and was very nearly propelling its leader telephones on AT&T and Verizon Wireless, however officials interceded and the arrangement went into disrepair in the latest possible time. The reason? US legislators say Huawei is "adequately an arm of the Chinese government" and the leaders of the FBI, CIA and NSA have prescribed individuals not to utilize Huawei telephones. Huawei, then again, denies those affirmations and says that US clients are the ones passing up a major opportunity.

On account of this, it's no big surprise that the organization's new Huawei P20 and P20 Pro won't be sold in the United States. All things considered, those will be the organization's most vital telephones in 2018.

While both are lead review gadgets, the Huawei P20 Pro is the really energizing telephone: one guaranteeing to have the best camera at any point put on a telephone, an incredible battery life and an extraordinary looking OLED show.

So would us say us are clients extremely passing up a great opportunity? What's more, are the new Huawei P20 arrangement on a par with an iPhone, a Samsung Galaxy or a Google Pixel? How about we discover.

To begin with, here is what's In the case with the two telephones:


Huawei quick divider charger

USB-C to USB-A link

USB-C to 3.5mm sound connector

Sim ejector apparatus

White Earbuds with in-line mic

Client Manual


An iPhone-like style with a score, vertical back cameras, yet in addition a remarkable shading slope on the back that gives the P20 additional focuses for style.

After the first, in vogue plan of the Huawei Mate 10 Pro, it's somewhat astonishing to see the P20 and P20 Pro swing to a fresh out of the plastic new look that isn't just firmly reminiscent of the iPhone X, yet obviously a duplicate: it's not only the indent that is littler, but rather has an indistinguishable shape, yet then additionally the general frame and styling, the vertical cameras adjusted to the side, the sparkly adjusted metal sides, the symmetricaly penetrated openings for the amplifier at the base.

Between each other, the P20 and the P20 Pro are difficult to differentiate: the P20 Pro is simply marginally greater and it has three cameras versus the two on the P20, yet most else is almost indistinguishable. There is, in any case, a reasonable distinction in the mark slope hues: the P20 Pro has an extremely sharp "Sundown" angle that advances from blue to purple, while the P20 does not have that shading form, but rather has its own particular signature, lighter, peachy "Pink gold" inclination variant (we have those two for audit). Furthermore, if for reasons unknown you don't need the slope hues, you can get the two telephones in a standard dark or midnight blue variant. The P20 likewise has a select "Champagne gold" variant. Both are on the huge side, yet littler and smaller than say an iPhone 8 Plus.

Every single physical catch are on the correct side, rather than having volume on the left and power on the right. This might be an advantageous answer for a few, as it might bring down the odds of unplanned presses. The catches are made of metal and feel pleasant and clicky, the power key is set apart with a red emphasize line, a decent little touch. 

On the base, you have a USB-C port for charging and… no earphone jack, tragically. You do get a couple of essential USB-C earbuds in the container with the two telephones and they sound simply alright. Huawei has as of late presented its own remote earbuds offering for an extra $160 (they are a clean tear up of the Apple AirPods, however longer battery life), on the off chance that you are searching for a Huawei-just affair.

One contrast between the P20 and the P20 Pro is that the previous is just sprinkle safe, while the Pro highlights a legitimate IP67 water-protection rating, implying that it will survive a short make a plunge water and those mid year days by the pool.

Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime 2 BD Price.

Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime 2 BD Price.

NETWORK Technology
2G bands GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 - SIM 1 & SIM 2 (dual-SIM model only)
3G bands HSDPA 850 / 900 / 1900 / 2100
4G bands LTE band 1(2100), 3(1800), 5(850), 7(2600), 8(900), 20(800), 38(2600), 40(2300)
Speed HSPA, LTE Cat4 150/50 Mbps

LAUNCH Announced 2018, March
Status Available. Released 2018, April

BODY Dimensions 151.7 x 75 x 8 mm (5.97 x 2.95 x 0.31 in)
Weight 170 g (6.00 oz)
Build Front glass, aluminum body, plastic ends
SIM Single SIM (Nano-SIM) or Dual SIM (Nano-SIM, dual stand-by)

DISPLAY Type PLS TFT capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors
Size 5.5 inches, 83.4 cm2 (~73.3% screen-to-body ratio)
Resolution 1080 x 1920 pixels, 16:9 ratio (~401 ppi density)
Multitouch Yes
Protection Corning Gorilla Glass (market dependent)

PLATFORM OS Android 7.0 (Nougat)
Chipset Exynos 7870 Octa
CPU Octa-core 1.6 GHz Cortex-A53
GPU Mali-T830 MP1

MEMORY Card slot microSD, up to 256 GB (dedicated slot)
Internal 32 GB, 3 GB RAM

CAMERA Primary 13 MP (f/1.9, 28mm), autofocus, LED flash
Features Geo-tagging, touch focus, face detection, panorama, HDR
Video 1080p@30fps
Secondary 13 MP, f/1.9, 1080p

SOUND Alert types Vibration; MP3, WAV ringtones
Loudspeaker Yes
3.5mm jack Yes

COMMS WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Wi-Fi Direct, hotspot
Bluetooth 4.1, A2DP, LE
Radio FM radio

USB microUSB 2.0, USB On-The-Go

FEATURES Sensors Fingerprint (front-mounted), accelerometer, proximity

Messaging SMS(threaded view), MMS, Email, Push Email, IM

Browser HTML5
  - ANT+ support
- Xvid/DivX/MP4/H.265 player
- MP3/WAV/eAAC+/FLAC player
- Photo/video editor
- Document viewer

BATTERY Non-removable Li-Ion 3300 mAh battery
Talk time Up to 21 h (3G)
Music play Up to 84 h

MISC Colors Black, Gold, Rose Gold
SAR 0.61 W/kg (head)   
SAR EU 0.37 W/kg (head)     1.63 W/kg (body)   
Price About 200 EUR
Samsung Galaxy J7 Duo BD Price

Samsung Galaxy J7 Duo BD Price

2G bandsGSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 - SIM 1 & SIM 2 (dual-SIM model only)
3G bandsHSDPA 850 / 900 / 1900 / 2100
4G bandsLTE band 1(2100), 3(1800), 5(850), 7(2600), 8(900), 20(800), 38(2600), 40(2300), 41(2500)
SpeedHSPA, LTE Cat4 150/50 Mbps

LAUNCHAnnounced2018, April
StatusAvailable. Released 2018, April
BODYDimensions153.5 x 77.2 x 8.2 mm (6.04 x 3.04 x 0.32 in)
Weight174 g (6.14 oz)
SIMSingle SIM (Micro-SIM) or Dual SIM (Micro-SIM, dual stand-by)
DISPLAYTypeSuper AMOLED capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors
Size5.5 inches, 83.4 cm2 (~70.4% screen-to-body ratio)
Resolution720 x 1280 pixels, 16:9 ratio (~267 ppi density)
PLATFORMOSAndroid 8.0 (Oreo)
ChipsetExynos 7885 Octa
CPUOcta-core (2x2.2 GHz Cortex-A73 & 6x1.6 GHz Cortex-A53)
MEMORYCard slotmicroSD, up to 256 GB (dedicated slot)
Internal32 GB, 4 GB RAM
CAMERAPrimaryDual: 13 MP (f/1.9) + 5 MP (f/1.9), autofocus, LED flash
FeaturesGeo-tagging, touch focus, face detection, panorama, HDR
Secondary8 MP (f/1.9), LED flash
SOUNDAlert typesVibration; MP3, WAV ringtones
3.5mm jackYes
COMMSWLANWi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, dual-band, WiFi Direct, hotspot
Bluetooth4.2, A2DP, LE
RadioFM radio
FEATURESSensorsFingerprint (front-mounted), accelerometer, proximity
MessagingSMS(threaded view), MMS, Email, Push Email, IM
 - ANT+ support
- MP4/WMV/H.264 player
- MP3/WAV/WMA/eAAC+/FLAC player
- Photo/video editor
- Document viewer
BATTERY Removable Li-Ion 3000 mAh battery
MISCColorsBlack, Gold, Rose Gold, White
PriceAbout 210 EUR
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